洛神花果醬工作坊/Roselle jam making workshops

首日工作坊迎來Candy媽媽、可愛孖女、佳姨姨、Candy 朋友和小朋友JJ參加,大家一齊採摘洛神花,洗花萼,煮果醬,再即場試食,小朋友好鍾意甜甜酸酸嘅嘢,食唔停口 :)

見到小朋友由初時戰戰兢兢踏上田間採收洛神花,去到唔怕小螞蟻從花萼走出來,一齊洗花萼煮洛神花果醬再開心試食,好叻仔叻女!食養教育,在地推廣,就係工作坊嘅目標喇 :)
PS. 31/10 (日)、6/11(六)、13/11(六)、20/11(六)、27/11 (六)歡迎大家來上水農場探訪,參加洛䄂花果醬工作坊及採收葉菜及芋頭等蔬果。敬請預約。其他時間歡迎夾夾 :)
We are pleased to kick off that the autumn Roselle jam workshops!
We were happy to have Mama Candy, her lovely daughters, kin, Candy’s friend, little boy JJ with us. Everyone picked the roselle, washed the calyx, cooked the jam, and tasted it on the spot. So glad that kids enjoyed the sweet and sour jam very much
Every time when there are children come visit the farm, I hope that they could understand two ideas,
1. The soil is not a dirty field, it is a place where everything is nurtured. If you get soil on your hands, just clap your hands and throw the soil back into the field.
2. Realise ants, butterflies and other small insects at the farm, because small insects are part of nature. When you see it, keep a safe distance to watch it. Moreover, it is smaller than human beings. They scare about you more than you scared about them.
Seeing the children start to harvest Roselle flowers from the beginning of hesitation to getting interest in it is amazing. I will tell them don’t be afraid that the little ants will come out of the calyx, just wash the calyx until it’s totally clean would be fine.
Teach the young generation abt the relationship between food n nurture, connection between urban life and local farm, would be the goals of this workshop.
PS. Workshop booking available: 31/10 (Sunday)6/11 (Saturday) 13/11 (Saturday) 20/11 (Saturday) & 27/11 (Saturday)
Leaf veg , Taro and many more veg are ready to pick. Pre-booking in advanced. Welcome to visit outside the above time slot, we are happy to help arrange it.